Public Accounts
The Cities Act requires annual publication of the Municipal Public Accounts. This report contains certain financial data not formally covered in the year-end financial statements. The attached statements and schedules have been prepared in accordance with these requirements from the same records from which the audited financial statements have been extracted.
The Municipal Public Accounts include:
1. Consolidated Statement of Operations and Accumulated Operating Surplus
Contains the revenue and expense totals for the year ended December 31st.
2. Council Remuneration and Expenses
Lists the total remuneration and expenses for all City Council members.
3. Employee Remuneration
Lists the names, most recent job title, and salary for each employee of the City of Swift Current, whose
remuneration exceeded $50,000 during the year.
4. Contributions of Goods or Services
Lists the total of all payments (other than salaries) exceeding $50,000 to any individual, corporation or government.
5. Grants or Services in Aid
Lists the total of contributions exceeding $50,000 to any individual, corporation or government.
The statements and schedules in this report consolidate the information of all City of Swift Current operations, including its utilities.